The best thing you can do is to give your guinea pig with hard equipment to chew on: carrots and other hard vegetables, chew firewood or blocks, or even tree brushwood. Even although you offer these resources, however, you will hardship regularly to confirm the guinea pig's teeth to make steady they aren't fitting unmanageable. Check to see if the teeth are spinning private because this is a show of undue growth.
Generally speaking, guinea pig cages really need to be as big as your available space and your budget will allow. You do not need to go overboard, but it is better to give your guinea pig more room than he needs than to give him less room than he must have to stay healthy and happy. As a guideline your guinea pig cage should be between seven and eight square feet if you have just one guinea pig, and between ten and eleven square feet if you have two guinea pigs. For every additional guinea pig in your cage you will need between two and three additional square feet of living space. If that sounds like a lot just remember that guinea pigs need room to romp around and get exercise, and the more exercise a guinea pig gets, the happier he's just going to be. Without adequate exercise your pet will get fat, and overweight guinea pigs are more likely to develop health problems, and you do not need that to happen. If your guinea pig is lucky enough to have a 2-story home remember that the additional levels really should not counted in providing the minimum square footage.
It really should not be too difficult to find a very good quality guinea pig cage at your neighborhood pet store. If you can't locate a cage that is big enough you can consider making your own. It's not going to take you very long, and it can be very rewarding. Not merely because you'll have a cage that your guinea pig really loves, but because it will very likely outshine anything you might have purchased.
Guinea pigs should only be housed in cages composed of wire as opposed to glass enclosures because wire cages provide much better ventilation for your pet, and if a glass enclosure breaks it could possibly cut your guinea pig. Wood cages are easily chewed through and for that reason usually are not your best option for your guinea pig cage.
The main food for your guinea pigs are going to be pellets. Young guinea pigs, under 10 months old, should be fed alfalfa hay-layered pellets. However, right after they reach 10 months of age you'll want to switch them to timothy hay-layered pellets because alfalfa hay has elevated levels of calcium and high doses of calcium usually aren't good for adult guinea pigs. A superb guinea pig pellet also needs to be hard and firm, making it necessary for your pigs to bite, chew and gnaw through it. Guinea pigs naturally enjoy chewing and gnawing on things so your little piggies will definitely love eatingtheir hard pellets.
Ensure that you get pellets which are specifically formulated for guinea pigs and it is therefore a complete food, meaning it has each of the right nutrients in it. This includes an additional dose of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) which happens to be an important supplement to your guinea pig's health. As in humans, ascorbic acid will not be naturally produced in guinea pigs. Deficiencies in vitamin C might cause your pet to develop scurvy. Should the pellet food that you're feeding your guinea pig not be fortified with ascorbic acid, supplements can be bought in pet stores and can be put into their drinking water. Make sure you give your furry friend guinea pig approximately 20mg of ascorbic acid supplements every single day.
Your guinea pig will like to be petted in a certain way. Each has a different way they prefer so you will be able to discover this yourself. You will find that there are certain things you can do to produce a purr from your guinea pig. The vocalizations are going to be covered later. There will be times when your guinea pig wants to do its own thing. It could be that you are holding the guinea pig and it starts to move around. In this case, just let it do what it wants.
The "Ultimate Guide to a Happy Healthy Guinea Pig" was worth the $14.77 for all of the helpful information and bonuses that it included. It would be especially beneficial for the beginner that never cared for a guinea pig before. Many people do not know the proper diet for a guinea pig and their need for vitamin C. In conclusion, I would recommend it for those that care enough to seek out the knowledge necessary to provide their guinea pig(s) the best living environment possible.